Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Animation of the local scene

In 2009, the AtlanMod team initiated a regular series of events called Les Jeudis des Modèles (http://www.emn.fr/z-info/jmodeles/ ). This event has successfully continued during 2011. Two/three times per year approximately, an international expert from the model engineering community is invited to come and present a subject of research or innovation of interest to the scientific and industrial community. These events typically attract between 30 and 60 researchers, students and industrials. In fact, Les Jeudis des Modèles event has become a regional rendez-vous of the model engineering community, attracting people from Rennes, Vannes, La Rochelle, and many other places beyond Nantes. Among others, we have invited Patrick Albert (IBM), Nicolas Rouquette (NASA/JPL), Ed Merks (Macro Modeling), Ivar Jacobson (IJ company), Sridhar Iyengar (IBM) and Jon Whittle (Professor at Lancaster University). It should be noted that these visits allow us to organize different meetings between the researchers of the AtlanMod team and the various industrials attending the main presentation.

Besides this, as part of our commitment to the Eclipse community, we co-organized (together with the Obeo company) an Eclipse DemoCamp event to celebrate the new Eclipse Indigo version release. The Eclipse DemoCamps are an opportunity to showcase all of the technology being built by the Eclipse community and, for the team, an excellent opportunity to meet other Eclipse enthusiasts in the region and show them the Eclipse tools developed by the team.


In 2011, the AtlanMod team has coorganized the following events:

  • J. Cabot has been PC Chair (together with Eelco Visser ) of the Int. Conf. on Model Transformation 2011 (http://www.model-transformation.org/ICMT2011/ )

  • M. Tisi has coorganized the 3rd International Workshop on Model Transformation with ATL (http://www.emn.fr/z-info/atlanmod/index.php/MtATL2011 ) (MtATL 2011) co-located with the TOOLS conferences in Zurich.

  • J. Cabot has coorganized the OCL and Textual Modeling Workshop (OCL'11) (http://gres.uoc.edu/OCL2011/ ) co-located with the TOOLS conference in Zurich.

  • J. Cabot has coorganized the MELO 2011 - Model-Driven Engineering, Logic and Optimization: friends or foes? Workshop. Co-located with ECMFA 2011 in Birmingham UK.

Editorial Bords

Participation to editorial boards of scientific journals:

  • Jordi Cabot: Journal of Object Technology

Reviewing of International Journals

AtlanMod members have collaborated in the reviewing process for the following journals

  • Jordi Cabot: IEEE Software, IET Software, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal, Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, Journal of Systems and Software, Information and Software Technology Journal, Software and Systems Modeling Journalm Data and Knowledge Engineering Journal, Science of Computer Programming journal, Journal of Web Engineering journal, International Journal of Software and Informatics, Transactions on Aspect-Oriented Software Development journal, Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Journal, Computers and Security Journal, Journal of Computer Science Education

  • Robert Tairas: Automated Software Engineering, International Journal of Computers and Applications

  • Massimo Tisi: Science of Computer Programming, Software and Systems Modeling, Journal of Web Engineering

Program Committee members

Participation to conference program committees:

  • Jordi Cabot:

    • International: World Wide Web Conference, International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Language and Systems, Software Language Engineering conference, European Conference on modeling foundations and applications, International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems, International Conference on Web Engineering, Model Driven Web Engineering Workshop, Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Model-Based Software Engineering, Applications of Graph Transformation With Industrial Relevance, Tool Transformation Contest, International Symposium on Rules, RuleML Challenge,Industry Track of Software Language Engineering, Model-Driven Requirements Engineering, International Workshop on the Web and Requirements Engineering.

    • National: French national conference on MDE, Spanish national conference on MDE.

  • Robert Tairas:

    • International: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing - Software Engineering Track.

  • Massimo Tisi:

    • International: Transformation Tool Contest, Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies 2012, International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science 2012